Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Name

I think it's official.  Jade and Aubrie both like the name Ollie Faith.

There is only one kicker in this naming deal.  Aubrie said she has to have the same last name as the rest of our family.  Jade & I made her day when we agreed that yes, she can have our last name.  She was thrilled - that girls too funny!


  1. Crack me up! That little Aubrie, she is so funny!

    I have to go back and few posts and read since you got home from your trip. Its been so crazy around here, I have so behind on what is going on with my bloggie friends!

    Stay warm and cozy...are you warmer than 5 degrees down there. I hope so! Brrrr!


  2. Annie, I love the way Aubrie thinks. She is just a hoot!! I love Ollie Faith.


  3. I love that name and I will inform our monogram-crazed friend!!

  4. Oh that is hilarious! Kids are so funny! I love that you have chosen Faith as Ollie's middle name - just seems like it should be. Ann {{Ollie}}


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie