Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mom's Gift

When it comes to my Mom - my Dad gives the best gifts.  He's very thoughtful, he listens to her, and he creates masterpieces.

This year I think he has outdid himself.  I don't know how he will ever top this gift!  Unless I get one too!

He built Mom the most darling playhouse - equipped with wait for it - electricity too!  She'll be searching for the perfect vintage fixture ASAP.

We chose pink because she always wanted to paint her farmhouse pink with green & cream trim when we were little.  We thought it was perfect for a playhouse!  Isn't the scalloped trim detailing the cutest!  He still has window boxes & shutters in the works, but time ran out!  This was a 2 week project that involved son in laws.  They did a great job & now they know how to build them for their wives!!  Hint hint!

We painted the inside a shade of turquoise & Dad laid old vinyl flooring down - it's fabulous too and perfectly my Mom!  The porch ceiling & inside ceiling are a lighter shade of turquoise - something she has always loved as well!

Aubrie was thrilled & honestly has kept this secret for 2 whole weeks - pretty impressive I'd say!

Seriously it's so stinking cute!  now Dad just has to get it out of the machine shed with a tractor & into the back yard!  I'd bet he does this tomorrow while the ground is still frozen.  I know Mom is dying to decorate the porch & inside and has big plans for the grand kids in this baby!

She was so excited.  I think she knew he was building her a shed, most likely a playhouse, but I don't think in her wildest dreams she thought he'd come up with all of this!!


  1. That is the coolest thing! Wouldn't that have looked cute in her painting? HA! What a sweet dad you have. I'm seriously impressed by his!

  2. My husband's aunt bought me one a year ago. I have had the best time decorating it. She will have the best time with it ever!! I am thrilled for her :)

  3. OMG - this is the absolutely BESTEST thing ever !!!!!!! LOVE it - your mom is going to have a blast decorating this..... NOW she needs a blog.... hint, hint !

  4. oh my, can I move in!!! I love it! this is my dream as a little girl...!!


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