Friday, December 3, 2010


Epcot is by far my Dad's favorite spot.  I know why - the food - it's great.  Our lunch was awesome & then we ate our way through the park as well!

They have a new area about Nemo & my kids were all over that!

They were so excited to see the first Nemo ride.

Aubrie was striking a pose by the huge aquarium - it had sharks in it and Ev's favorite - sting rays.  They were thrilled!

Now Everett has learned to pose - they crack me up!

He was wound up just about every single day!  He was very good for him though, he held hands, and only got really wild when he was tired which is normal for him.  I've been proud of how well he's done!

I'm making Dad built this for us girls - either in the woods as our guest cottage or as our Ethel Edith shop - fabulous - YES!

All the kids loved Pa!

Aubrie met Marie and oh boy she was excited!

Even Jade got into the cultural spirit on our brief stop at Morocco!

Epcot is beautiful.  It's big too - a lot of walking, but I've managed with my maternity belt & snack breaks!

This show in China was ah-mazing!  That girl on top lifted her hands and was seriously, seriously, balancing on her mouth on that blue thing.  Talk about crazy - I can't get over it!

Everett loved the shoulder rides and took them everywhere he could.  I think he had just nose punched Jade here on accident by the look on Jade's face.  Everett was pretty much always smiling on this trip!

We were able to score a family picture with the Epcot ball, but the kids weren't too thrilled at the end of the day.

Aubrie decided to hold up the Epcot ball.

And Everett had to do it too!

Epcot was great!  Again, so much to see if you truly had the time to do it all!

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