Saturday, November 27, 2010

Florida Vacation - Beach Style

We started off our vacation at Cocoa Beach.  Jade was less than impressed with our hotel room, but it was cheap and very near the beach.  We aren't in the room much anyway.  Aubrie however thinks it's beautiful!

 It was about 83 degrees and the water was 76.  The kids LOVED it.  I loved watching them!

Sis geared up with her earplugs, swim cap, and later prescription goggles.

Everett was so excited!

This girl had the time of her life!

She's so stinking cute!

Everett showed off his muscles.

Aren't they cute!

Proof I was there with puffy feet and sun burnt shins.

I avoided the water other than up to my knees, but Jade was all in.

Some lady decided to feed seagulls and they were everywhere.  Maggie took a video of Everett running through the flock.  He's hilarious.

She was so busy looking for shells and building castles she was barely in the ocean.

They made sand angels & this is what they looked like.

We then moved to the hotel pool.  The kids pool was amazing & Vanna was there modeling for us.

After cleaning up and naps for dinner we had pizza.

We were starving.

Caroline was geared up with a big bib ready to eat.

Did I mention the pizza was HUGE?  26" and mega slices.  We about died when it didn't fit on the table!!

Then, off to mini golf.  Even Ollie's in this shot, and wowsers I look big!

She's always in leggings and those thighs oh my!

For $4.20 we bought a tiny vial of hot dogs & fed the gators.  The kids were dying over this, and yes we kept them away from falling in.

A quick trip to Ron Jon's found us some fun pictures.

These hats are ridiculous!

A quick surfing lesson and we were off to bed for the night!

Tomorrow, day 3, SEA WORLD!!


  1. You guys are having so much fun. I have to tell ya how much I enjoy seeing pics of Aubrie and Everett, especially Everett in the first one in his cool shades! I am so glad you were able to do this, we never were and it's one regret I will always have! Enjoy the rest, and just think, you are not even to Disney yet!!


  2. Looks like you are making the most of your time here! Have fun at Sea World - Hope you get to see the Pets Ahoy show! Ann {{Ollie}}

  3. I love the picture of Aubrie with her cap on looking down The sun was perfect in it and she is too cute! I hope that your feeling great and enjoying your vacation! Happy Thanksgiving too!

  4. Hey Annie! im your newest Stalker..I mean follower! LOL! Cute! I ADORE your blog! The vaca looks awesome! Will pray for Baby Ollie! Im just sayin...I WANT THAT slice of PIZZA!!!! YUMM! I would ADORE you to visit my 14 days of xmas trees and i have a GIVEAWAY!

    *ENTER CUSTOM FLORAL Give-Away Here *

  5. What amazing memories you are making ! ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing !


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie