Monday, November 8, 2010

All up in my grill

I'm 25 weeks 1 day pregnant...or that's what my main OB says.  Each Dr., since I see so very many now, says I have a different due date.  So I'm sticking to my main OB because February 20th is easier to remember.

With so many months left to be pregnant I'm a bit concerned.  You see, Ollie isn't that big yet, but she's all up in my ribs already.  I am SO uncomfortable all day long in my chair, it's like I'm carrying Aubrie all over again!  Why oh why can't she stick out and touch my keyboard like Everett did?  Why did the good lord bless me with such a short waist?

Right before I had Aubrie - I was so uncomfortable with her, and lucky you guys - I found the picture of my feet from the hospital.  They were size 6.5 when I got pregnant & at the end they looked like monster feet slippers.  They were so painful & full of fluid they wouldn't fit in a size 11 snow boot.  I literally wore brown crocs to work every day with my black dress slacks - hot I know!  I carried socks in my purse since the snow would get in the crocs holes, but darn those crocs were comfortable!

Hilarious that I regularly made Maggie paint my toenails!  Luckily they didn't do this with Everett and I swear they don't look like this normally at all!

The night before I went in for Aubrie Grace.  They induced me 2 weeks early & she was 7 pounds 12 ounces - she would have been a chunky gal if I met my due date!

The night before Everett Mason.  Notice the tiny trailer background I once lived in & oh so different style!  Everett was 8 pounds 11 ounces, and he was a chubby boy!

He was out so much more in front - oh baby it was nice to have room to breath!

Also, how do you like that the only two things I can wear at the end are these jeans which become spandex, and that darned orange tank top!  It's even under my brown sweat shirt above b/c Aubrie came in December!  I bought some new pants & shirts this time, so pray that I wear something different at the end of my pregnancy for my own sanity!

Also, if you don't like belly shots - so sorry, but I said my blog is the good bad & the ugly!

P.S.  Pray for me in Disney - I'm going to be one tired mama, but I'm going to be rocking my shape ups even if I'm wearing shorts - it again won't be pretty, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do right!


  1. Annie, you are too hard on yourself. You are such a pretty girl, even when pregnant. Thanks for praying for Bowen. It's a hard road for all of them.


  2. Oh those Fred Flintstone feet...yikes. Hope you don't get them this time. I had them with you and had a matching moon face. Pretty, uh huh! All 9lbs 15 oz. of you. It was worth it though xoxo

  3. Ooooooh Annie!! Your poor feet when you were pregnant with Aubrie! If mine swell up even just a little bit, I'm hurtin' big time!

    I got a charge out of your belly shots young lady!! Sure did bring back memories of when I was pg. for our 4 kiddo's! None of mine ever got up in my rib cage.. sounds like that would be very uncomfortable for you! My last baby was my biggest, and Daniel was 7 lbs 2 oz.. Eddie Lee, my first was only 5 lbs.. when he was born my 8th month of pregnancy.. Michele was my 2nd baby and she weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz. and Jamie weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz.

    Have a good one Annie!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie