Sunday, October 31, 2010

I have cute kids...

I'm sorry, but I just do.  I love them to pieces!

Thanks to Aunt Maggie's tutu abilities, Aubrie's costume was perfect!

She stood on tippy toes since she didn't have heels and Grandma Janie saved the day with white gloves that we added later in the night.  She is quite the poser!  I put mascara and eye liner on her.  You would not believe her eyelashes.  Her Grandma RuRu thought they were fake - no she's just lucky!  She's as sweet as pie and getting so big.  She acts 5 now - where does the time go?  My baby is no longer a baby - she has girl legs!!

This little man makes me so happy.

He truly kills me with his personality!  He's wild and crazy - a bit over the top and too much to handle most of the time - he's all boy - and all mine!

Together they are the best of friends and the worst of enemies.  They also like to pose together when the camera comes out!

They slap, then they hug, they laugh hard, then they cry.  Aubrie is the mother, and Everett is the funny one.  They sleep together in a twin bed even though they each  have a twin bed of their own.  I can't imagine their life if we hadn't of had Everett so close to Aubrie's age.  It was tough at times, but it's perfect now.  I truly hope they always remain as close as they are now!

To add to the chaos, they have a mini-them.  She's half Aubrie - climbs and gets into everything.  Sorry Mags she was in the toilet yesterday!  Then she's half Everett - she's a bit mean and a bit dramatic.  She thinks she's really their little sister & oh how they love her!  She's a blessing to us all with her pretty eyes and big smile with Maggie's chicklet teeth!  Oh how our lives have changed in the last five years!

We had a great Halloween and the kids thought they had the best trip ever.  We only go to a few houses, but they think we've been all over town.  I dread the day they realize that we haven't even hit up 98% of the candy stops in town.  Actually, their Dad dreads that day more!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie