Monday, September 20, 2010

Taking Risks

You probably think by my title that we are making some big life change.  Not the case.  Friday night we did something extremely risky.  We took our kids to their first ever baseball game.  Now normal people think - seriously?!?  You think this is risky?!?  But I remind you - Everett is not your son - nor is he a normal child.  He's super fast & super busy 100% of the time.  If he ran from me, I seriously wouldn't catch him because I am now hobbling because my lady parts may split in 2.  And why is this - is it because I deliver enormous babies so I've damaged my pelvic bones for good?  How come when not pregnant they are just fine?  I'm so confused because 18 weeks of pregnancy shouldn't be so darn hobbling!  Anyway - this game was a big leap in faith for us.  I told Jade when we were offered FREE amazing seats at the Cardinals game that we had to try it out sometime.  If it didn't work, we'd eat snacks and go home early.

So off we went on the hour and a half drive to the big city.  I just love Saint Louis just so you know.

Oh and see my husband.  That's right - he finds someone who recognizes him even this far from home.  And he talks to this person the entire game with a permagrin on his face.  He loves to meet new people!  Everett on the other hand loves popcorn.

It was well worth the trip.  The kids were amazing.  I loved how excited they'd get with the crowd.  It was a really big run scoring game & we even saw a home run so they were breaking out their fake whistle screeches and fist pumping with the best of them!

Aubrie looked like she was one seriously unhappy camper.

That was because the cotton candy lady was MIA for a good 30 minutes.  Stuff her with spun sugar & she breaks out her bling & licks her fingers til she reaches a sugar high!  Her glasses make her big eyes so big - it cracks me up in this photo - gosh she's something else!

 We left around the 8th inning just to get souvenirs and get to the car before the mad rush.  Jade let Everett get a soft bat & ball & for some reason Aubrie got a wooden bat.  I knew that was a bad idea right then and there.  It's now placed on top of the fridge after she was knocking on the glass porch door with it.  She'll earn it back when she's 14.

Here we all are with the lights blaring down on us.  We were seriously sitting in a good area - thank you Abbie Jane!  I ate a box of popcorn myself - OK two boxes.  Ollie danced and stretched at the 7th inning.  He or she is always jigging in my belly to the raps I'm singing in my head.  Then everyone except me fell asleep on the drive home while I rapped it out Mraz style - no worries I was driving the swagger wagon.


  1. I'm glad it went so well! What's up row 8! See you tonight for some paint slingin

  2. You are all so cute! You make me miss our Cards. We used to live there too. Always will be their fans:)

  3. Hi Annie! Thanks for your sweet comments re our Sadie and your memories of your pug, Rita. Pugs are great! Not a baseball fan, but I'm a fan of those great pictures you took of your family on a fun night out together!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie