Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Dear friends - I have been busy!  Busy but at the same time lazy for me.  At home I'm constantly working on something, but definitely too lazy to take a picture of it and to post a blog.  What can I say - I'm pregnant & that's how I roll - at a much less productive pace :)

So instead...I thought I'd share some funny stories from my kids.  You haven't heard a lot of these & I have TONS more.  I just can't remember them.  They are wrote in journals at home - thanks Mom!

(Before tumbling - Aubrie had a band aid to cover her stitches so Everett required one too!)

Aubrie's Greatest Sayings:
One day she thought my Mom was sick & she wanted to take Mom's temperature.  So she said "Hey, Grandma, open up your butt!"  She had no idea adults don't take rectal temperatures (at this point Everett was a baby & we still did his rectally - both kids have an ear thermometer now - thankfully!)

One day I told Aubrie her Dad was ridiculous - I can't remember what the situation was, but trust me he was.  So she told him while I was out of the room "Daddy you are a dickless man".  The ridiculous part is - he thought I really told her that!  Talk about ridiculous and the perfect mispronunciation all in one!

When Aubrie was a newborn she was difficult to say the least.  We wore her around in a sling often because she would stay calm in it and sleep.  One day I took her from Jade to change her diaper & on her changing pad it looked like smeared blood came off the back of her head.  I started freaking out thinking Jade whacked her head on something while he was slinging her around the house.  Then I smelled her head & uh huh - he ate chocolate chip cookies above her head & one chocolate chip went into the sling & got mushed in her ultra thick black hair.  Nice Daddy.

Aubrie is a animal Wikopedia & needs to know every detail about everything.  One time she was having an argument with my Mom about the importance of seat belts.  She was probably 2 1/2 or 3.  Mom explained that it's illegal to not wear a seat belt.  Aubrie couldn't get over it - she didn't understand how the seat belts were Eagles!  Every time Mom said "No, it is Illegal" Aubrie would say "Eagles?!?"

Everett is just starting to say funny things - his moments are growing.  Aubrie still has a good zinger about daily!  I'm one of those Moms too that can't help but laugh so I have to turn my head or leave the room. 

My kids are all about the animals - and "aminal" facts as Aubrie says.  Just recently a flock of geese flew over at dusk while we were watching for bats - again Aubrie Aminal Wikopedia - and Everett pointed & said "Eagles!"  Jade said no those are geese & he stubbornly argued - "NO, Eagles!"  My kids apparently love some eagle talk.

Last week Everett snuck outside naked after his bath.  We live in the middle of nowhere far from the road.  So I found him by the front porch - pooping no less in the yard.  I said Everett what are you doing, we poop on the potty.  He goes "Sorry Ma, I gots the poops."  Enough said - he was right.


  1. Crack ups!!! I need to write these little things down more often. They are priceless!

  2. Thanks for the giggles !!!!!

  3. Hilarious - can't wait until Aidan starts saying funny things like that.

  4. hi i'm maria. :) i came across your blog through jillian & elise and have been following you ever since.

    i read this post to my husband and we can't stop breaking out in spurts of laughter randomly over dickless man! and it's even funnier that your husband thought you told her that!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie