Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So Excited

I'm so excited because today I have lost 4 pounds & 4 inches of chub off my body in 2 weeks!  Thank you P90x & Shakeology!  Jade has lost over 10 pounds including inches off his belly, but he has also gained inches in his chest & arms - sweet huh!

We are eating better & feeding our kids better meals - this in itself is worth working out - knowing we are feeding our kids healthy meals!  The shakes are great & I am full of energy!  It's amazing how making a decision to improve your health doesn't feel like work!

I can't wait to see where we are after 90 days of committing to improve our lives!  When those days are up, Jade is getting a new cholesterol test in a hurry!  I can't wait to show his doctor that he doesn't NEED cholesterol medicine - that he needs to exercise and eat healthier - go figure huh!  If you are interested in what we are doing - click here.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! My husband has been talking about starting the P90X so I'll have to tell him how happy you both are. How are the shakes? I could use some energy these days!



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