Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gonna Party Like It's My Birthday...

So today I'm 28.  It blows my mind really. 

I came into the world at 8:56 AM at a mere 9 pounds 15 ounces.  3 weeks late - so sorry Mom! 

That was the day I became Mom and Dad's first favorite daughter!

Since then...

I've officially been out of high school for ten years.

I have two kids & have been married for 6 years.

I graduated college  nearly 7 years ago - what! 

I have a real house and it's decorated with more than just posters and pictures like my college days.

I realized that I can no longer eat Ultimate burgers and fries without gaining a pound - that was sad news to me!

I heart trees.

I sold my sweet pimping 16 year old ride to a man in England - who is pimping it out for movies - hells yes!

I am still shy, but each year I'm improving.

I have started to blog & I have 100+ of you who read my randomness.  Mom always said I wasn't a great writer so that went out the window b/c someone loves run on sentences and random topic jumping :)

Today I woke up with a million Facebook messages.  Isn't that amazing how technology works now!  Last year I just got on facebook & had just a few phone calls from family and friends & today I have so many messages - made my day friends!

I just thank the good lord that picture messages & facebook didn't exist in my college years - thank you Jesus!!

So, eat cake to celebrate for me today.  I don't like cake so I give it all to you :)


  1. happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday, birthday to yoooooou(gets higher at the end)!!!!

  2. Well I'll eat your piece! Happy birthday you young thing! You are just a baby! I will be 39 in August! I believe age is just a number its what you do while you are that age that is the key!

    Hope you have a fantastic day, and you are totally pampered!

  3. Happy birthday girl!! Enjoy your day mama, party like your college days and eat that Ultimate burger!!!

  4. WHAT???? You don't like cake???? I wish I didn't!
    Have a wonderful birthday, hope you get lots and lots of presents and birthday hugs!


  5. Happy Birthday to a fellow gemini!

  6. Ok, now you have to sing this outloud, ok???

    Happy Birthday to you...
    Happy Birthday to you...
    Happy Birthday Dear Annie...
    Happy Birthday to you.

    Now clap and hoot and hollar and blow out imaginary candles! it is as if I am there!

    Happy Birthday!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie