Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Family Tree

There is a day in most of our lives when we become the "Big" one.  For me it was when my brothers arrived, but I was unaware - so it was really April 10th of 1985 when Abbie came into this world and shook up my life.  I thought she was so annoying & now she's my best friend.  Then I became even bigger when Maggie arrived December 19th of 1986.  She was something else & still is - stupid in a good way I say!

For Aubrie Grace it was August 16th at 4PM.  Her life changed when we welcomed her overly chubby baby brother into this world.  She fights like crazy with him, but loves him to death.

Everett has recently became quite sad and mad.  You see, he's going to be a big brother!  Yes you may need to reread that sentence.  He's going to be a big brother in February!  He is not very excited about it...yet!  He says "NO BABY!"  I think he'll come around soon!  I hope anyway - he's a Mama's boy so jealousy will probably be an issue!

We are VERY excited & it's early so we ask for your prayers.  I feel silly posting this now, but Mom is dying to spread the news and an abundance of prayers is never a bad thing.

Just so you know - I feel GREAT!  Obviously my 6 pound loss will come right back on in a hurry, but it's well worth the cause!  I think the last month of eating right & working out was a good start to "BaRecipes" life.  Yes - Aubrie is back to BaRecipe as the name.  Aubrie is beyond ecstatic and wants to repaint her room, get bunk beds, and help in every way to be the best sister ever.  I wrote that on here so one day I can remind her she promised me she'd be the nicest and best sister ever!

So, now you are joining me as I have to redecorate 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, and a basement - not because the baby - because I'm a freak like that!  You also join me as I further dive into motherhood, ditziness, lack of sleep, oh god the painful nursing, and multi-tasking to an extreme!

  Oh did I mention diapers?  I'll be back to diapers too!

Eek - so much to do - so much excitement!  Thank the lord I have kept EVERYTHING in my basement so I have tubs and tubs of bottles, blankets, and clothes to sort through!

Oh and if my feet become the size of flowerpots AGAIN - you'll see those too!  This is the good, bad, & ugly of my life after all :) 


  1. Bring it on! God is good , it is going to be a great ride!

  2. Yay! Congratulations Annie (and Jade, Aubrie, and Everett)!

  3. Yay! I want to see those swollen feet in person this time! LOL!
    Are you guys going to find out if it's a boy or girl?

  4. I'm not sure Tiff :) We think the baby is going to share a room with Aubrie - she's adamant she wants the baby in her room. So we may just setup a cute room for her & roll from there - I have all the stuff for a boy or a girl so it doesn't really matter this time. I just am not sure yet :)

  5. You are already glowing and it was evident when I saw you on Sunday. You and Jade make beautiful children so I can't wait to see #3. I love these photos you posted today. Annie, you are such a doll!

    Isn't it great to actually have an excuse to redecorate!!


  6. Yay! Now I just need a new nickname for the babe since Bean is taken. Jade already said no to Seahorse so I got nothin :)

  7. Abbie - Aubrie has already named it BaRecipe - so we're back to that!

  8. Congratulations Annie!! I am so tickled for you, Jade, Aubrie, and Everett! Bet your Mom and Dad are real tickled too!

    I will keep you and baby in my thoughts and prayers..


  9. Congratulations, that's so exciting and wonderful!

    how exciting!!!!! i'm so so so so so so so happy for you!
    abbie- i love Seahorse;o)

  11. YAY! i'm so stinking excited! p.s. my birthday is in 1986, not 87.

  12. How nice! Congratulations Annie :) Looks like you'll be adding a third birdie to tree tattoo. Two months ago, heck 4 weeks ago, I would've been really surprised to feel this way, but I'm starting to think it time for #2. I really want Aidan to have at least one sibling :) My siblings are all much younger then me. I was born in 76 and we adopted my first little brother in 86. Despite the 10 year difference we've always been close and like minded. :) My parents adopted two more times, another baby boy in 95 and my little sister in 2005. Aidan and his Aunt Margaret (Tia Margarita) are closer in age then me and my siblings :) hmmm, long comment, probably should get back to work...

  13. Congratulations!! I am due January 8 with my first (and I am sure only) child. I hope you have a healthy and problem-free pregnancy!! :-)

  14. How wonderful - congratulations to your beautiful family for the new addition !!!!!!!!! I'll add you to my prayers to St. Gerrard !


  15. Wooo Hoooooooo! I am so excited for all of you, girlie. :)

    ps- Might I suggest the name Neptunium? Or Tungsten?


  16. BTW twins born in 84 ,Ab in 85, Mag in 86

  17. I knew that! The ditziness has already kicked in high gear!

  18. Congratulations! So exciting! We had the same issues when my third was born. My son, the baby hated her and for months only refered to her as "that baby" LOL They still fight like crazy but he is a great big brother who protects her when she needs it. Congratulations again!!!

  19. Congrats Annie...I'm so excited for you. There is a 10 year age difference between my last two. My son is the best big brother ever. I was so shocked to find out I was pregnant, I was a bit freaked out, but now I can't imagine my life without him. I am so happy for you. Hopefully, it will be an easy pregnancy. Best Wishes for your family. I'm sure your son will be beyond thrilled when the baby gets here.

  20. Ok, how the heck did I miss this post!!??? WOOHOO!!!!!! So happy for you and your little family!

    My sister just told me over the weekend she has been suprised by #4, and my 5 year old niece sounds just like Aubrie. She want it to be a girl - named Pebbles - oh dear lord - and she is insisting on sharing her room. Lets see how long that one last when she realized the baby is staying, not coming for the weekend. ;o)

    So happy for you! Can't wait to hear all about it!



Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie