Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Family Portrait

I'm so behind!  So my birthday was last Thursday and I scored some great loot!

This was behind my couch before.  Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but it wasn't completely Annie.

After Abbie painted me and the sisters for Mom's Christmas gift, I had been begging for my own family portrait & I finally got one!

(Apologies - I was lazy & in a hurry so out came the cell phone for pictures & you can tell!)

She made Aubrie's eyes big because in real life they are truly magnified.  Everett's open mouth kills me.  It looks like us all - in a fun & funky folk art way.  She just needs to add a goatee to Jade - I like him better with a goatee - he's got a baby face otherwise.

So I dig the new look.  It ties together my colors and is fun.  She's going to paint a portrait of each of my dogs next to flank the family portrait.  That will be the icing on the cake!  A portrait of Trudie - hot diggity I CAN'T wait!

Thanks Abbie Jane!

Oh and if you are wondering where that fabulous barn picture is, well I donated it to my lovely cousin Ellen.  I knew her heart would melt over it, and it did!


  1. It looks perfect there! I want one of my family!

  2. Its beautiful and looks perfect there!

  3. gah i'm so jealous! I am LOVING these family portraits!!

  4. I just love Abbie's art. I can't wait to pick mine up on Sunday. Maybe you can let me know where you guys are at on Sunday so I can get there right away:)


  5. I did melt!!! THANK YOU again!

  6. You're welcome Ellen - I knew you'd heart it!

  7. That painting is adorable and I see you are a color lover, too.


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie