Monday, May 17, 2010

Tree Adventure - Part 1

So yesterday we hit the road at 8 AM on a tree adventure.  We headed south to Southern Illinois. 

Pretty soon after departure, Jade got a speeding ticket.  The only joy in it - the officer had an amazing snoogie in his nose - how he didn't notice is still beyond  me.

Then we got behind this semi - hauling Show Chickens!  Of course I needed a photo!

Aubrie & Everett were pretty pumped about their individual ear phones.

Everett had to wear his hat because his head was too small.  This saved Jade & I the joy of Tom & Jerry for 2 hours in the car on the way there and on the way home.  They LOVE Tom & Jerry, and it gets old fast!

We scored our 3 beautiful trees - which I'll blog about tomorrow.  Then we headed to Giant City Lodge for lunch.  It was delicious & they had an actual stuffed buffalo in the waiting area.  The kids were really intrigued & luckily Everett didn't try to ride it!

We then climbed the tower which has 85 steps to be exact.  Everett made me a nervous wreck with these slats - he immediately ran to them and stuck his leg between the slats - which his entire body would fit through.  Why does my son constantly run toward danger?

We grabbed a few photos, I showed off my massive biceps, and then we got the heck off the tower before Everett gave me a heart attack!

More photos to come tomorrow.  We had a much needed great family day!  Also, if you ever need a cheap vacation with breath taking views - Southern Illinois is a great place to head.  Jade & I of course love it since we are Salukis at heart!


  1. Sounds like a great day! (minus the ticket)
    AH! i started breathing quickly just reading about the railing slats!
    can't wait to see the trees:O)

  2. show chickens! that is so funny! I love a road trip too!

  3. So sorry Jade:( That is a bummer! But you are still smiling I see! I think Everett would make me a very nervous mama also! But then he's all boy! I had a great chat with your mama today! You guys are all so awesome! I'm so glad our lives have intertwined.


  4. I know how that is your heart pumping when they get close to the edge, ugh! Looks like you had a lot of fun! Can't wait to see your trees!

    Stop on over and check out my 1st giveway! Do a post about it for an extra entry, hint, hint, lol!


  5. Glad to see you packed your guns! hehe(sorry I fear those arms are from me)I can't take heights wow I would have been laying on the floor!

  6. Sounds like a great family day! We haven't braved the ROAD TRIP yet. Maybe we'll get brave this summer. Go check out my blog when you have a chance, I'm awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award!


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