Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Learning Curve

Don't let this sweet face fool you.  It's full of trouble!

Everett is my new constant challenge.  I can give Aubrie a look and say don't even get started - and that's it - tears & she's done.  She's for the most part easy.  Everett - not so much!

Last night was a rough night for me and Everett.

He threw scrambled eggs on the floor at dinner, he bit his sister in the bath-time, he broke the sign below off of something, he wouldn't sit at the dinner table - just constant struggle to get him to sit still and behave.  Oh and yes - Jade wasn't home so I was a one man officer.

So I first I turned off the TV.  No Tom & Jerry for Everett - didn't work.  Then, I put him to bed at 7 PM.  I thought - oh yes - this has worked.  Well at 7:30, out he came - for a second bath because he had rubbed Vaseline in his hair, and all over his face & arms.

That's right, my nights are never dull.  And - he still has me wrapped around his tiny fingers.


  1. wowza. sounds like my week with Leland. he's been throwing me for a loop since he turned 3.... AH!

  2. I know it's not all that funny but LOL!! I so remember those days. I swear there's one in every family!

  3. I love that rat! He is his Aunt Abbie all over again...and now she is a doctor so just goes to show you!

  4. Cute post. I remember days like that well. You will live through it and then you have the teen years to deal with. Love your hair.

  5. It's really not funny but it kinda is! He's a little spitfire for sure! Maybe it was because Jade was gone and he was protesting??

    I remember those days for sure.


  6. Ooooh vaseline, not good! I'll bet you had to wash his hair like 5 times! They sure love to test us! Mine was driving me crazy last night but not like that, glad you got through it and oh, hide the vaseline hon!

  7. I know ladies - he's a wild man! He keeps me busy 110% of the time Tom & Jerry isn't on the TV! Tonight I'll be cleaning out his armoire. It was filled with all of his diapering needs. Now that he's a recent big boy - we no longer need the Vitamin A&D - that should prevent him from rubbing it all over his head :)

  8. Is it wrong that I chuckled ? I had one do the same with desitin. But, we survived and so will you, even if there are days when you cannot even imagine it ! At the risk of sounding like your mother ( which I could be !), I'll say: childhood flies by, so try to enjoy the ride !!!

    hugs for a good day !
    gena in nj

  9. He is such a doll face!

    (I know, I always love it when people tell me how cute my naughty babies are.) ;)

  10. So nice to know I'm not the only Momma with a little boy like that, especially when Daddy has to work late. :)


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