Friday, April 16, 2010


Say a prayer for my beloved Jade today.

 It’s a big day for him.  He has the final portion of his professional surveying exam at 3:00.  It’s the Illinois portion of the exam.  He has already passed the National portion.  It's a huge deal & he's stressed out about it.  So lift him up for me today please and thank you!


  1. i'm sure he will do great, and we'll be praying for him:O)

  2. Already your post, stopped and lifted him up!! I really really really want to come to your show and I could combine it with a visit to my parents. So I think I am going to be there:)Yes I want to meet your mom, I think she is my long lost sister!!


  3. Done and done! Said a prayer and wished him luck! :-)

  4. Annie, I have said a prayer for your hubby! I'm sure he'll do just great. We are always hard on ourselves when it comes to doing things,like taking major tests.. I should have had a blog back years ago when I was taking my state boards for my beautician license.. Oh my goodness... I sure was waaaay beyond stressed out!! But.... I made it through them just fine, just like I'm sure Jade will on his!


  5. I would love to tour your mom's house plus see your house too...oh happy day! I'm such a house stalker...LOL! Tell your mom to check ebay if she wants curtains like the ones in my kitchen. They had them on their a couple of weeks ago. Also, did you know we have the same aqua lamp. Now I know I must be your mom's long lost sister and that would make me your auntie!!


  6. Oh I'll tell her - and oh my we have an orange pedestal kitchen table you may love too since you are into orange!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie