Sunday, April 11, 2010

Play It Loud

OK so sometime last year Jade insisted we needed a piano.  He was obsessed with the idea of it.  So luckily I convinced him that we could get a used Craig's List piano.  This one was around $300 I believe.  Much better than the brand new one he was really wanting.

You see - my Jade is very musically inclined.  He should be - he's really talented.  He used to be lead singer of a band called Welfare Christmas - I know hilarious right!  He also could play the guitar quite well and oh he'd make the ladies melt when he sang.  So hilarious looking back - if only I could upload those old family videos on here for you!  Me - not so much.  So he has big dreams of piano practicing kids that are uber talented, but we'll see.  Everett has a chance - that boy can sing - Aubrie I believe takes after her Ma.

In the meantime I want to paint this piano.  You know me - wood is not my thing.  I've seen others painted & I believe I should do it.  So what color?  I adore red, but is that nuts?  Or should I do classic white - not really me, but it'd go with everything.  Mom votes some type of leopard print - which I love animal print, but I really don't know about that.  It's extreme for even me.  What do you think?

PS - I still have the piano bench, but Mom and I kind of liked the look of mismatched chairs instead.  Is it practical?  I have no idea - I don't play!


  1. Paint it orange! That is my color of choice!! I can't say it enough, you have such a fun home!

  2. I promise you snow leopard would rock your socks off!!

  3. I painted our piano a few years ago. It's definitely not perfect but it looks better than the wood. We did ours in black:)

  4. I think it would look awesome in apple green with a leopard or zebra bench. Hey what do u think of my new slipcovers?


  5. Wait a second- a leopard painted piano is too extreme for you?? That is your kitchen to the right there isn't it?? It's one of the reasons I started following you! Your unique brave sense of style- I LOVE IT! I'm on team Leopard! ;)

  6. I'm new to your blog, but love your style very much. I kind of like the idea of the apple green and animal print bench. The chairs might only be restrive because sometimes you have to slide to extreme ends of the keyboard.

  7. I would probably be inclined to do two tone, or one color with a black/white checkerboard band or something fun like that.. I would probably put it in a photo editor like Photoshop or Paint Shop, and play with the colors til I found something I liked!

  8. All great ideas! I may have to go crazy and do the snow leopard, but Mom you are helping!


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