Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kids' Bath / Guest Bath - The After

Here is my kid / guest bathroom now. It is a HUGE improvement! I brought all of my funky signs out of our bathroom where they were hidden into plain view. It has more of an industrial feel which I love.

I have my ‘Danger, Do Not Enter Without Wearing Goggles’ sign in here which always cracks me up in a bathroom.


The famous poster of lunchtime on a sky scraper is topped off with a Please Do Not Flush While The Train Is In Station Sign right above the TP.

Behind the toilet is a really cool toolbox that my Mom gave me. I have a Julie sign which is appropriate for my Julie calling husband before every good dig. There are a few other hysterical signs here that I love as well - Receiving Room - Flushing Cigarette Butts Makes Them Soggy & Hard To Light - High Voltage.

The sink has the famous Loose Women sign and pops of red. Do you see Jade in the mirror giving me heck for taking photos of the bathroom?

My Mom gave me this funny donkey statue that was perfect in here with a fake plant in an old metal can.

I topped the room off with an animal print which I adore – zebra print! Oh do you see me? Jade thought it was hilarious that I matched the curtain I was hanging.  I have excellent posture too don't I - ha!

So now the question is paint color. I will most likely repaint this bathroom this summer when I’m not so busy getting ready for the spring show, but what do you think? I found a very orangish red I love and also a limey green. Keep in mind, around this room is a lot of color - a turquoise living room, a barn red bedroom, & a cornflower blue bedroom. Then the basement is school bus yellow & my room and bathroom are green, topped off with a Tide orange laundry room. The only color I don’t have is purple, but I’m not a huge purple person oddly enough.


  1. Love it!! so so much more you!

  2. It came out so great! Love all the cool signs.

  3. I love the loose women sign and the please do not flush while train is in the station! Where are you I can't see you, ha! What about a butter yellow or citrus green for the color?

  4. I'm digging the citrus green idea - really am!

  5. I'm so loving this bathroom. I loved the vignettes you made with the signs and that tin box. I never would have thought of doing really is gorgeous. I love your matching the bathroom so well also, LOL..too cute.


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