Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm a big kid now!

There is something about a little boy in underpants that a Mom has to love!

(Please note - he gets this "I'm zoning you out" look just like his Dad - however it's when he's watching the beloved Tom & Jerry)

Especially when that little boy is mine!

That's right, this ornery booger is potty trained!

It's killing me that he keeps posing with his hands on his hips - so hilarious!  Also, gotta love the band aid remains that just won't go away!  Oh how this boy has me around his tiny little fingers!


  1. Question: When you say he gets this "I'm zoning you out look" just like his Dad, does that mean your hubby zones out in his undies too? Love the bandaid remnants! I think the bandaid companies do that so it looks like we never bathe our kids!

  2. Potty training, yea!!!
    No more man sized poo! I still laugh over that one!


  3. Oh I get that wrapped around the finger thingie. My baby boy is 21 and still has me wrapped. He still makes my heart melt:)


  4. ok-seriously-he is darling!! Too cute! I found you from the parade of homes and I am so thrilled that I did! I love your home! Your ecclectic style. I was smiling the entire time while looking at your home!!! You have got some mad skillz! Love it all! Have a Happy Wednesday!

  5. This made me laugh so I went back and read your post about how HE has to decide when HE will do something and it will be done! It is so true! So when do those dancing lessons start? My son has been successfully potty-trained for 23 years, but i well remember all of it!

  6. I am so glad potty training is in my past. He is a super cutie. Mine do that over Tom and Jerry too.

  7. Oh boy the dance classes! I don't know when he'll start those - I think he'd drive the teachers crazy b/c he's SOOOO high energy - and doesn't listen well - or is that a man thing? I've had such a learning curve with him! Being raised with 2 sisters spoiled me. I never knew how men peed, but now - I'm fully aware - and trust me - it's been hard lessons learned!! I wrote a new shake shake shake - shake it off song - based off of Yo Gabba Gabba - so far the song helps!

  8. Oh, this brings back little boy undie memories. So fun to take them to pick out their big boy unnerwear. He's a cutie!


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