Sunday, April 25, 2010

How I Miss You

Dear friends,

I apologize...

I have been sooooo busy that I haven't gotten to visit you and your lovely blogs lately.  Please know that I miss your blogs & your stories.  Once Aubrie's dance recital & our Ethel Edith spring show are over, I'll be back to visiting you!

Until then I leave you with Trudie, AKA Hamburgler.  If there is a picnic outside - she's stealing your burger!


  1. Awww! It's been a nutty week here too, today I am going to sit down and breathe, lol...


  2. I think this is just a busy time of year for everyone. I of course just spoke to you, so I'm the lucky one. Good luck with everything and enjoy your conversations with yourself!

  3. I'm super duper excited because we just confirmed our plans. We are coming to Illinois on Thursday night, going to see our mothers for Mothers Day on Friday and guess where I'm coming Saturday morning??? Woohoo! I can't wait. I've got to get directions from you!!


  4. That Trudie totally looks guilty.

    Listen girl, never apologize for not being able to make the rounds! Real life kicks our butts sometimes, I understand completely.

    Have a wonderful week!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie