Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Kitchen - Part 1

I thought I'd do a little segment on here - A Few of My Favorite Things - and go through some of the bigger rooms in my house.  Since my house is constantly evolving - things are different than the last time I posted.  Please enjoy my kitchen.

It's eclectic to say the least.  I have a lot of fun finds in here all mixed and matched together.  I have collections of old bowls, chickens, and old signs.  I love my kitchen.

My collection of hands - one is an old glove form & the other is giving an OK sign.  The chicken was drawn by Abbie - it's fabulous isn't it!

These are above my pantry.  They came from my Mom - and I believe from my Grandma.  I love them - they are little chalk figurines with hooks on them.  They are great!

This is above the fridge.  I found the giant fork & spoon & spray painted them a textured silver.  They are fabulous & so is that old chicken cookie jar & those orange tins!

Here are some old signs I have collected.  The fifth street carries on my collection of 5s - I don't know why I collect 5s, but I do.  The R is an old movie sign letter & the Small Change came from TJ Maxx.  The old jars are really cool up close & personal.

I just got this Oleo sign from my Mom.  It cracks me up.  I also am a big fan of small lights around my house so this beauty adorns my counter top.

My island post will come as Part 2 - it deserved it's own post!


  1. My personal favorite is the 'do not spit on the floor' sign - fabulous! ~mary~

  2. ha ha! I forgot to mention that sign! It's one of my favorites too! It's truly needed with Everett too- he's always spewing chocolate milk on the floor & I keep telling him we don't spit on the floor!

  3. BRAVO! with color.......yeah for color!!

  4. I just found you through a link from nada farm blog. I'm a fellow Illinoisan too. Love your kitchen. I'll be back to visit again!

  5. SO much fun! So much personality! That tropical blue is fantastic. And I love the rooster!

  6. It's so cheerful, love the color.

  7. SHUT. UP. !!!!
    I have a hand collection, too! I thought I wuz the only one! ;-)

    Love your kitchen, love everything about it. :-)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  8. dangit - wishing i would have driven there over this long visit and had coffee with you in that entertaining kitchen!

  9. You have the best collection of old signs! Love the Do Not Spit on the Floor, ha!

  10. what a fun, bright kitchen! i love your 5 collection....and your orange tins!! so many great treasures. :)

  11. Very cool decor! Love it all! What does the 2 represent?

  12. I'd say the 2 is me and Jade, but heck I just made that up :) Christina you'll have to check back later this week - I'm planning the bathroom signs to post & they are hysterical :)

  13. I think my favorite is the "Don't Spit on the Floor" sign - AWESOME! I love when people decorate above their cabinets. My parents always did that. Our kitchen was lined with antique tins and items. I love again, all the bright colors and those little veggie faces are too cute!

  14. OMG!!! I love lots about it, but I'm totally in love with the OLEO sign because that's what my grandma always calls the margeriane! so great.

  15. Okay lovin' that you have your own style and flair. So cute. Not afraid of color either...bravo:)

  16. Annie-My old kitchen used to be the color of the cookie jar and tins that you have above your fridge and I have a pair of salt and pepper shakers that would match them perfectly! I got them at one of the antique shops in Shelbyville. You must have them since my decor has change and I no longer have a place for them! I am bringing them by your house next time we are in town!

  17. I absolutely <3 your style! It is just so much fun, unexpected, fresh...just divine! :)


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie