Monday, March 8, 2010


My babies were blessed.  Blessed with eyelashes, models only dream up. 

They have super thick, long, and lush eye lashes!  Aubrie's are even more enhanced by her glasses.

They get it honest, their daddy has some of the most beautiful big brown eyes, topped off with lashes I can only dream of with coats of mascara!

He's pretty sweet too when he sleeps with a baby. This was Aubrie at 2 weeks - check out that hair!!


  1. I think they are beautiful, but man-pretty dad doesn't get all the credit -the pretty mom helps too! xoxo

  2. my kids get their killer lashes from dad too:O)
    sweet babes and sweet daddy!

  3. i hope zac and i have pretty babies with his eyelashes, but not his blonde lasheds, dark ones so you can see how long they are.

  4. Just precious! I LOVE Aubrey's lashes!!! Why is it that men always have the best lashes too?!


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