Saturday, February 20, 2010

Kids Bop 17

The title of this post says it all. 

That's right, we now own Kids Bop 17.  So if you see me rolling around town jamming - I have probably forgot the kids are not in the car & haven't realized I'm singing to Kids Bop still.

The best part is - when Aubrie opened her Valentine's package & found this CD - she almost screamed in excitement & said "Oh my - I have always wanted this" - yes I'm that good with gifts!  Plus, if you know me - I say oh my a lot!  The second best part is that Everett bobs his head to the beat with a huge grin while Aubrie tries to sing and trill her voice like she's Rhianna - it's fantastic & I love it full time!

She also told me, that she would go anywhere with Kids Bop on.  Yes - hilarious!

P.S.   The front speakers in my Jeep are dead - so we play all music in the back & for me to hear it, it must be loud - so literally I am bumping like a 16 year old with a new amp and subs!  Besides - in Shelbyville - it really is a Party in the USA!


  1. Hahaha! Thats funny, and what a vision!

  2. That is so funny! I totally was going to buy one of those for my daughter for V Day and then went with Princess and the Frog. So it's that good huh? So tempted on going out and buying it!
    They have been edited to be good for kids to listen too right? I could so play them in my classroom then too?!

  3. Oh, my. When my kids were young...they are probably close to your ages, I knew what was in, what was hip, what was cool. Now, not so much. When I saw your post, I thought it was a clothing line!

  4. Tawny - everything is edited out so it's good for kids. My two are in LOVE with this CD and it was like $12 at Walmart - check it out!


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