Friday, January 15, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

As you know, I am random on this blog.  I talk about my family, decorating, and whatever else comes and goes in my mind.  So without further adieu...

my random topic for today is home heating.  We live in Central Illinois, and well it's COLD here.  When we built our house, we quickly realized that heating was a big issue for us, and we didn't have a budget for geo-thermal.  Our house is about 2000 sq feet upstairs & we have that in a full basement as well.

This is when my Dad heard about Central Boiler.  He purchased one to heat thier large farmhouse & huge machine shed.  He loved it so much, that we bought one too.  It's honestly one of the smartest & best purchases we have ever made! 

We have a red Classic CL 5036 - I think.  How it works is my lumberjack man cuts firewood for us.  He loads this baby up once a day, and sometimes throws a couple logs in a 2nd time a day when it's really cold.  Since we live in the woods & my Dad owns quite a bit of land - dead trees are not hard to come by.

Jade would be so envious of this pile of firewood!

The boiler has an internal fire box and a water jacket around the fire box.  This fire heats the water up, the water then goes through an underground pipe into our basement.  It goes into our hot water heater - yes I ALWAYS have hot water - never run out!  Then it runs through little water lines through the furnace so when the air blows through these hot water tubes it gets warm as well.  That means our house can be a balmy 85 (we keep it at 72) & only costs for the time the fan is on - no propane use for us!  Our electricity bill is super cheap in the winter & our house is always toasty warm.

I am very cold natured & I hate to be cold so I love our boiler.  I also love my lumber jack!


  1. Excellent! My hubs happens to be in the heating/cooling biz. And he strongly promotes this (if you can't afford geo thermal)
    Although... after a huge flood at a school this week, he is cussing geo thermal. LOL

  2. oh how i miss central illinois! i am from decatur originally - living in CA now - but i miss all of that snow and cold weather - i truly do! dying to know where you are from now - i love your house --can't wait to sit and check out all the fun stuff on your blog - a piece of home for me!!!

  3. just added you button to my page!!! so fun!

  4. this sounds awesome!! i hate being cold. and you already know about our heater almost dying:O)


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