Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Little Trailer, Big People

That's right - my middle sister Abbie is blogging!  Check her out at Little Trailer, Big People.  She has a great sense of humor & is wonderful about putting it all into words. 

She is a new chiropractic graduate entering the real world with her new jolly green giant of a husband.  They are both extremely tall people that yes - live in a small trailer.  (I'm 5'4'' - what the heck genes!)  It's a collection of her life stories from adjusting old men in their underpants (yes this happens) to fixing up and decorating their trailer.  And yes again - it doesn't look or feel like a trailer inside - it's fab. 

So check her out and enjoy.  She's fun, and she's my sister, and I love her!


  1. Annie I love reading your blog. They are always fun. I also love your pictures. They really do show your style. GREAT JOB! I also read Maggie's and now Abbie's. You are all wonderful, creative and beautiful girls. Cathy


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie