Saturday, November 7, 2009

Restroom Anyone?

This bathroom is in the basement.  It's really more of Jade's retreat in his man cave.  Funny I know!  It's a wonderful pink.  I have a baby collection in here.  Old planters, crystal chandys, storks...oh the list goes on and on.  It's sooooo girly!  To all the pink man haters out there - real men wear pink - that's right I said it.  Jade wears pink, and my Dad wears hot pink.  There is no man more manly than my big farmer of a Dad.  Plus, when you are married to super tan outdoorsy men - hot pink is beautiful with their skin-tone!  Maybe that was the plan for Jade, his endless hours in this bathroom would at least give his reflection a beautiful glow?!?

This is our master bathroom.  I have a clawfoot tub out of my parents farmhouse.  I'm a total tub gal.  My parents got the first shower when I was in college - so clawfoot tubs were my life!  I have a crystal chandy above the tub, and a fuzzy white robe.  I got the antelope head as a Christmas gift & the big zebra print as a birthday gift.  I have a deep love of animal prints - thanks to my Grandma - Ethel Edith "Toots".  I even have a large floor rug in my bathroom that is leopard.  One may think - too much animal print?  Actually it's not - unexpected and fun and cozy - more so it's totally Annie!

This is directly across the room from the tub.  I found these old medicine cabinets at a sale.  I think I paid around $50 for the pair.  I paid less for one b/c it's back was missing.  Jade fixed that quickly!  I love them.  I also love the pedestal sinks.  Thanks Aubrie for the homemade ghost on my side!!

1 comment:

  1. I am SO jealous of your clawfoot bath tub. SO jealous.
    I'll try not to be. :)


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