Friday, November 27, 2009

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree - how lovely are your white branches!  Wait!  That's not how the song goes, however it's all about the white tree in my house!  I love that it just glows!  It's gorgeous - if you have ever considered a white tree - DO IT NOW! 

FYI - I love my reindeer pillows - thanks Mom!  They are harder to keep clean with grungy kids & pets, but they are too cute!

This ornament was my favorite ornament.  Notice how I say was - because my kids are rats.  This chicken has no legs now!  I hung it on the top of the tree because it was so special to me, and still they managed to climb each other like cheerleaders and break it.  I got this chicken for my very first married Christmas.  My husband made his co-worker stop at Hobby Lobby to pick me out a special ornament for my stocking - we only did stockings that year.  It was so special to me.  I still hung it on the tree, but it has to be hidden now because the lack of legs!  It just cracks me up that he stopped at Hobby Lobby - shopped the endless aisles of ornaments & got me the chicken one.  Which was actually perfect!  It was glass with some glitter & I love chickens.  We even tried to raise 13 once - that's a whole different story ;)

This is a new ornament I just picked up with the kids.  I have a thing for reindeers & always a love of glitter!  He's cute & better yet plastic!  Do you think I like turquoise and glitter? 

Since I have young kids that don't appreciate the love of ornaments I have all plastic balls right now.  I have have gorgeous vintage glass balls saved for the future.  Until then I have bright fun colors in glitter.  Then, these glitter peacock feathers are to die for!  They are great to add some dimension to the tree!!
Another great find - some beaded silver disk sticks.  I have about ten of these through out the tree too.  Lots of fun!
The stockings are all hung on our bannister.  I love our bannister.  It was hand made by my Great Uncle Bob.  Very special touch to our home & it looks great - picture doesn't do it justice!  We have 4 stockings for our family, and one for each dog.  I love that I can hang them right here.  It just adds another touch of Christmas flair - because we (as in us Fox women) tend to go a bit (a lot) overboard for Christmas!

I didn't know where to include this picture.  It's another fabulous tree in my home.  That's right - peacock feathers!  This is the foyer area of our house.  I have a great vintage pine cone poster that goes up for the winter.  Then I fill the wooden bowl with all our beloved christmas cards.


  1. Ohhh Annie... love the white tree! I've also been on the lookout for a vintage coloured one. A change is so fun!

    Thanks for linking up to the tree party! :)

    Funky Junk Donna

  2. I love this white tree in your home. It looks great against your wall color.

    LOVE the peacock feather tree too!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. How pretty your white tree it. I love it!

    Lovin' the peacock tree too!

  4. I do not have a white tree YET...I wish I would have bought one last year after Christmas clearacne...they are so pretty and the ornament colors just pop!

  5. Hi Annie!
    Wow your tree is so pretty!!!
    Merry Christmas
    Annie x


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie