Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Family Room

Welcome to our basement family room AKA Jade's man cave.  The best thing about our basement is - it's not dark & basement like!  We have a walk-out basement so there is a window & full glass door in this room, plus we painted the walls a serious yellow.  It's always bright and cheery down here!

I have kind of a wordly theme rocking the basement right now.  My mom scored me the most amazing school map for my birthday last year.  I LOVE it!  I really can't put it into words how cool this thing is.  There are multiple maps so you can flip between them all.  Better yet, it features turquoise, green, yellow, and red - perfect for what I had going on!  (Love the red couch too - it's older, but so comfy & with kids & dogs - leather is always the route to go - for us anyway!)

This wall has the window & door.  My Mom gave me some cool curtains that I really dig.  They have pops of yellow in the brown.  This wall features my ship artwork.  This another weird collection that just screamed my name when I saw them.  I bought the bottom right one first from a local dealer and the rest followed.  I don't know why, but I do love them!

Here is another collection I have of older globes.  I tend to collect in odd numbers with at least 3.  This is what I have so far & I love them.  Maybe it's because I started my college days as a history major?  I don't know why, but these collections are exciting to me!  I still gravitate toward more when I'm out junking!

My basement again is a pretty open space so this is a glimpse of the kids' playroom.  I spared you a full view b/c wow even when super organized they have WAY too many toys! 

My mom has sheds full of treasures and in the top of one of her sheds she had 2 old school house doors.  One had an old chalkboard built into the center panel - SUPER heavy!!  So we stacked these together & screwed them on the wall securely.  Jade & I then painted the inserts & stuck vinyl letter decals all over.  This is a great place for my 4 year old to practice letters and for my 2 year old to try & avoid writing on the walls!

I'm really happy with the outcome.  It's a big piece of wall art which we needed here.  It's functional & educational.  One day when we no longer need a play room, this area will probably transform into an office - so it will still be relevent for our lives then.


  1. I see globes so many places and want to start my own little collection...although if I had it my way I would be collecting a lot of things---and Owen would probably start throwing it away. lol

  2. That room is so cute! The globes, maps, and chalkboard are very school room, but fun at the same time. Lots of creativity, here. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks Miss Mustard Seed - I didn't even really notice the school theme I had going until you pointed it out to me!


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